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This is Bill Earl, a homeboy from Winston-Salem, N.C. Congratulations to Dr. Jim Ewers; not just a great, all-time tennis player, but a true blessing to all who cross his path. I am proud to claim him as my best friend for life (all 73 years of it).
ReplyDeleteTina Karwasky is not black. She's Japanese-American!
ReplyDeleteIf non-Black folks demonstrated, were beaten and killed while helping US(Black folks) acquire OUR civil rights, shouldn't we honor them by showing appreciation? Some non-Black folks gave Martin Luther King, Jr, the Urban League, NAACP and HBCUs money to operate. if non-Black folks helped us promote tennis, should we de-value them or honor them with our appreciation? Of course that's a rhetorical question because the obvious answer is YES!!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. The Black Tennis Hall of Fame honors those who contributed to the development and improvement of Black Tennis. I.e Nick Bollettieri, Angela Buxton, Bobby Curtis, etc.