Wilbert R. "Billy" Davis Has Passed Away

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December 22, 2021

Wilbert R. "Billy" Davis Has Passed Away


Wilbert "Billy" Davis Has Passed Away A Black Tennis Hall of Fame Class Of 2009 Inductee And The Brother Of Our Past President Robert "Bob" Davis, A Multiple American Tennis Association National Champion, The Author of "A Blueprint For Life," And Many More Lifetime Accomplishments - Heartfelt Condolences To His Family, He Shall Be Missed


Born on January 6, 1930, Davis was the winner of 11 National Tennis Titles over a period of 33 years. He won the Boys 16 ATA National Singles and Doubles Championship in 1945; the Boy’s 18 ATA National Championship in 1948; the Men’s ATA National Singles Championship in 1958, 1959, 1963, 1966 and 1967; the Men’s ATA National Doubles Championship in 1954 and 1962; and, the Men’s ATA 45 Singles National Championship in 1978.  Davis played for and graduated from Tennessee A&I. In addition to being one of the best Black players in the country for many years, Davis was a mentor to Arthur Ashe and one of the most influential Black tennis leaders in the country. In addition to winning the ATA National Men’s Double’s titles together in 1962, Billy and his brother Bob (who was inducted into the Black Tennis Hall of Fame in 2014) played an important role in influencing future players and growing the sport in the Black community.






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